Community invited to help guide Murrurundi Arts in Health
Hunter New England Local Health District (HNELHD) is inviting the Murrurundi community to help bring some creative flair to the new Murrurundi Wilson Memorial Hospital.
Susan Heyman, HNELHD Executive Director of Rural & Regional Health Services, said a Community Reference Group is being formed as part of the
Arts in Health initiative.
“The main goal of the reference group is to identify opportunities to include culturally appropriate art, such as music, visual arts, and heritage, in the new hospital that have the ability to improve health and wellbeing, and make the new hospital a welcoming facility.
“We are seeking creative members of the community to work alongside hospital staff and the redevelopment project team to make this happen,” Susan said.
Arts in Health is one way we can improve cultural connections and generate a sense of community pride and ownership of the new hospital.
For application forms for the Community Reference Group or more information please contact Kylie Neville on 0438 254 008 /
Applications will be accepted up to 5pm on Friday 6 March 2020.
The redevelopment of the Murrurundi Wilson Memorial Hospital involves the construction of a new, purpose-built hospital on the existing hospital site. The redevelopment project, which was enhanced by community and clinician feedback, will expand and improve upon the hospital’s existing services. It will provide a new health services building which will include an inpatient service, 24 hour/day emergency service, expanded primary and ambulatory care facilities, ambulance bay, and staff accommodation.
The expansion of key services will ensure Murrurundi Wilson Memorial Hospital will continue to provide care to the community as it grows and changes.
The project is being delivered as part of the NSW Government’s $304 million Multipurpose Service (MPS) program. The MPS program is designed to deliver fit for purpose health and aged care services for small and remote rural communities.