The project at Bonalbo is complete. The new MPS provides emergency care, acute care, and community health services as well as a purpose-built Residential Aged Care (RAC) facility. Residents of the former Caroona Uniting Care facility moved to the new Bonalbo MPS RAC on 4 December, 2018. Together with community members and health representatives, they joined State Member for Lismore, Thomas George MP, and Federal Member for Page, Kevin Hogan MP, to officially open the building on 11 December 2018. Constructed in two stages, the new MPS replaces the former Bonalbo Hospital and Bonalbo Community Health Centre. Completed in March 2018, Stage 1 comprised the 15-bed RAC facility, a 24-hour emergency department, acute inpatient beds, and outpatient and GP consultations rooms. Stage 2 was finished in December 2018 and comprised the laundry and kitchen facilities required to open the RAC facility, as well as a meeting room, mortuary, ambulance bay, and staff amenities.
Multipurpose Services work alongside other healthcare facilities to deliver the best healthcare possible.