
Above: Artist impression of the new facility

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Healthcare and convenience - new artist impressions showcase a welcoming new facility for the Blayney community.

New artist impressions for the new Blayney Multipurpose Service (MPS) facility have been unveiled, showcasing the expanded health facilities designed to support recovery, well-being and compassionate care. The concept design provides the vision for the new health facility, which will centralise residential aged care, hospital, HealthOne and reception at the Osman Street site.  Read more

About the project

The Blayney Multipurpose Service (MPS) will undergo a major redevelopment as part of the NSW Government’s $297 million Multipurpose Service Program to deliver health facilities across rural and remote NSW.

The program is aimed at improving access to health and aged care services in smaller rural and remote communities.

A Clinical Service Plan has been developed for Blayney MPS. The Clinical Service plan outlines the future directions for Blayney MPS to help meet the needs of the community into the future.  

A team has been engaged to undertake the project’s planning and design. The project team, alongside Health Infrastructure, Ministry of Health and Western NSW Local Health District will consider a range of options through the master planning process.

Combining information from the Clinical Services Plan, master plan and concept design, a project brief will be developed to outline the redevelopment’s scope and program.

The project is in the early planning phase with the design phase. The announcement of the existing site as the preferred location was made on 26 September 2022.

Planning for the hospital redevelopment will be a highly collaborative process, involving clinicians and operational staff as well as the community and interest groups.

For more information about the MPS program, please visit
Enquiries about the project can be directed to or phone (02) 9978 5432. 

Click here to watch the How to Build a Hospital video