Why do we need a need a new MPS in Blayney?
We are updating the existing health facilities in Blayney to create more modern facilities that can meet our growing health needs.
The new MPS will allow us to create:
- A welcoming place with one convenient ‘front door’ for all our services
- All single rooms in residential aged care
- Expanded treatment and inpatient areas
- Attractive courtyards and gardens for everyone to enjoy
- A new parking area
- Contemporary working environments to help us attract and retain valuable health care staff
- A well-designed facility which supports the local area to be a better place to live, work and visit.
Where will the new MPS be located?
The MPS will be located on the current site on Osman Street, Blayney.
Why was this site selected?
The existing location’s close proximity to other medical and aged care services currently located on the site, including the HealthOne, was an important factor in determining the preferred site.
Health Infrastructure and Western NSW Local Health District also considered the proximity to town centre, site access and size, local geographical features and flood impacts, and other planning issues.
Aged care residents, patients, carers and staff told us that being located close to town was very important to them, especially for aged care residents who want to be able to maintain their independence.
What stage is the redevelopment at?
The master planning and Concept Design stages are now complete with the Schematic Design unveiled in July 2023. To find out more about how we plan and build health facilities, visit How To Build a Hospital at https://www.hinfra.health.nsw.gov.au/projects/how-to-build-a-hospital
The early works construction of a temporary carpark is now complete.
What will happen to the existing building?
As the new building is being constructed on the existing site, the existing building will need to be demolished in stages.
Health services will be maintained, although there will be short-term changes and some inconvenience from time to time. Keeping staff, patients and visitors safe is our first priority, and we will keep you informed of changes every step of the way.
Will construction affect the MPS and the local area?
There will be some inconvenience from time to time but we will have strict measures in place to carefully manage noise, vibration, air quality, traffic and other issues.
What happens if asbestos is found on site during construction?
Asbestos is common on construction sites throughout NSW. As is best practice, asbestos is best managed on-site in accordance with Environment Protection Authority rules and its removal is managed in accordance with SafeWork NSW regulations in strict accordance with all health and environmental regulations. Workers responsible for removing the hazardous material are licenced professionals, who are experts in asbestos management.
Will communities be given the opportunity to provide input into their local MPS project?
Yes, we establish collaborative groups, called project user groups, for each Multipurpose Service. Project user groups include representatives from existing health facilities including staff and consumers, other health service providers, and the community.
Project user groups for the Blayney MPS Redevelopment are now complete.
The Blayney Health Council, Blayney Shire Council and other groups, including an Aboriginal Focus Group and an Arts Working Group, have also been involved in the planning and design phases.
How will we be kept informed about progress on our MPS?
You can stay up-to-date by visiting our website for the latest news. We will also make information available in the current health facilities, through the local media, and via pop-up information sessions and special events from time to time.
When will construction start?
Construction is expected to start in early 2024.
How will the new building reflect our local culture?
Our project includes an Arts in Health cultural strategy to create a welcoming, vibrant place which reflects the unique identity of Blayney, and promotes health and well-being. A local Arts Working Group has recently been established to drive the integration of arts into the project design.
Will the new building be sustainable?
Yes, but we believe that sustainability is more than just building energy-efficient facilities and reducing waste (although they are critically important too). Sustainability is about the social and economic factors which affect our lives, as well as the environmental ones. Sustainability is embedded in our design approach to help create a more economical, resilient, and adaptable facility for the community well into the future.
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